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Nombre Vishnu Purana, Puranas and their contribution (English)

This is an introduction to the Puranic lore, which explains the many intricate points of the features of the Purana literature. This is of real importance for those who want to study them for their inner significance which is artistically hidden in their symbols and allegories. It is precise to say that these symbols and allegories explain the various scientific aspects of our very existence on this planet. This article will be followed by a lucid esoteric study of Vishnu Purana in lucid discourses given by Dr.E.Krishnamacharya.

Nombre de archivo Vishnu-Purana-full.pdf
Tamaño 1022.61 KB
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Dueño Invitado
Fecha agregada 11/07/2016 11:44:05
Vistas 23767
Última modificación 06/02/2020 10:58:40
MD5 checksum f07cc2d301820e37fd7ea67e9fbf4bb8


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