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The Planetary System (TPS) is an idea and project of coordinated cooperation between all who care about the planetary development and is oriented to sow “Ideas, Formulas and Forms for a new Culture".

The model of thought and action is that of the solar and cosmic System, reflected in Nature, as a source of inspiration and order for all fields of human activity.

TPS is intended to be a “Workshop of Thought”, a symbolic place where people who aspire to Planetary Service can enter. What the Worker in this Workshop will learn is the power of acting, creating and building in a free but cooperating way with all other thinking systems active in Space, which hosts and feeds them with living energy.
Contact: http://blog-en.theplanetarysystem.org/contact/
Languages: Italiano, English, Français
Website: http://theplanetarysystem.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThePlanetarySystem/
You Tube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfik-jItpgIP_hrRpHSrbSQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PlanetarySystem


getinvoledUna-se a uma rede mundial de pioneiros, pessoas que estão abrindo novas vias em 10 campos fundamentais de atividade, ajudando a preparar a civilização mundial que virá.





As atividades da sua organização correspondem a um dos campos de serviço contidos no diretório dos 10 grupos-semente?

Então cadastre-se gratuitamente!



icondonationEste serviço mundial é inteiramente financiado com as suas doações.

Como contribuir

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Instituto para uma Síntese Planetária

Chemin de l'Etang 37,
CH-1219 Châtelaine-GE
Tel./Fax +41(0)22-733.8876
E-mail: ipsbox at ipsgeneva.com
Skype: ipsgeneva